
The Black Friday Stock Market Crash – Gareth Soloway

The Black Friday Stock Market Crash – Gareth Soloway

Black Friday 2021 saw the largest stock market sell-off since 1931. Is this the start of a bigger crash, has the trend changed or is this just a one-time blip? We ask Gareth Soloway of what his charts are suggesting and why he is so bullish on gold Watch the Video to Learn More […]
Lawrence Lepard – Living in a World with Inflation

Lawrence Lepard – Living in a World with Inflation

Lawrence Lepard Portfolio Manager and advocate of sound money, is our guest on this episode of GoldCore TV. With 40% of money in the US being created in the last 2 years, we ask Lawrence if the Fed is trapped. If so will this mean that it is going to be very difficult for them […]
Are We In A Financial Bubble? Peter Grandich Interview

Are We In A Financial Bubble? Peter Grandich Interview

Peter Grandich is Dave Russell’s guest on GoldCore TV this week and talks about how he believes that the US financial, political, and military reputation has been seriously damaged. Watch the Video to Learn More Make sure you don’t miss a single episode… Subscribe to our YouTube channel Don’t Sell Your Gold!Watch Dr. Marc Faber on GoldCore […]
Flash Crash: Gold Markets Poised to Rebound?

Flash Crash: Gold Markets Poised to Rebound?

On today’s episode of GoldCore TV, Louis Gave of GaveKal joins Dave Russell to discuss whether the gold market can rebound quickly after the recent flash crash? Louis also gives his interpretation of the current state of financial markets and his views on central banks’ digital currency and the future of Bitcoin. Watch the Video to Learn […]
End of an ERA: The Bretton Woods System and Gold Standard Exchange

End of an ERA: The Bretton Woods System and Gold Standard Exchange

End of an ERA: The Bretton Woods System and Gold Standard Exchange Fifty years ago, on August 15, 1971, then-President Nixon interrupted “Bonanza,” one of the most popular TV shows of that era. To announce that he was ending the convertibility of the U.S. dollar into gold. Many consider it to be one of the […]
How to Build a Long Term Portfolio: For the Next 10 Years

How to Build a Long Term Portfolio: For the Next 10 Years

In the latest episode of the #Goldnomics Podcast, Stephen Flood, CEO of GoldCore and Mark O’Byrne of Health Wealth Gold joins Dave Russell to discuss if it is possible to build the #perfectportfolio for the next 10 years? But what are the current megatrends that are emerging and how will it affect your portfolio? How can […]